
Are there any subsidies for radiant heating?

A multitude of programs and subsidies are available for electric radiant heating in Quebec and Canada. In fact, our radiant systems often generate substantial savings on heating costs. These savings alone usually justify the investment required for a complete electric radiant system.

Then you’ll understand that existing programs and subsidies are additions that increase the return on investment and reduce the payback period.

What subsidies and programs apply to electric infrared heating?

The following is a non-exhaustive list of programs and subsidies that may apply. In the following paragraphs, we will explore each of these programs in greater detail.

    Hydro-Québec - Power Management

    Program name

    Power Demand Management (PDM) Option – Hydro-Québec

    The program in brief

    Hydro-Québec’s GDP Option enables businesses to reduce energy demand during peak periods. By committing to reduce their consumption during these periods, companies earn financial credits based on their contribution.

    Applicable sectors

    Energy-intensive commercial, industrial and institutional sectors.

    Eligibility criteria

    • Commercial or industrial customers subscribing to Hydro-Québec rates such as DP, DM, G, or others.
    • Buildings equipped with smart meters capable of managing power demand according to critical periods.
    • Customers on stand-alone networks are not eligible.
    • To be eligible for the credit, the following points must be met:
      • You must be able to reduce your power demand for at least four peak events. Otherwise, no credit will be granted.
      • The minimum power reduction must be at least 10 kW. Below this threshold, dynamic pricing is recommended.
      • If no peak event is activated during the winter period, Hydro-Québec will pay a credit based on the lower of the following amounts:
        • 15% of the maximum power demand multiplied by $69.366 per kilowatt, or
        • 21 020 $.

    How infrared meets the criteria

    Infrared heating systems target critical heating zones directly, reducing energy demand during peak periods. This optimizes comfort without affecting overall energy requirements. Because it offers an instantaneous heat source, it can be used for spot heating.

    What’s more, some of our customers have kept their gas-fired heating system (radiant or unit heater) after installing our electric infrared system. So, during peak periods, they can use their old, less-efficient gas-fired system, while still generating savings.

    Potential gains/subsidies

    Here is the credit structure:

    Credit structure

    Reduction range Applicable credit ($/kW of effective interruptible power)
    From 10 to 100 kW 78,825 $
    Over 100 to 400 kW 68,315 $
    Over 400 to 1,200 kW 63,060 $
    Over 1,200 kW 57,805 $

    For example, if you were able to reduce your effective interruptible power by 100 kW, you would receive a credit of : 7,882.5 $.

    Application steps

    • Register via the Hydro-Québec portal before September 30.
    • Implement energy demand management strategies for winter peak periods.

    Program deadline

    September 30, 2024 for the 2024-2025 winter season.

    Case studies/Examples

    Through a multitude of actions (not all related to radiant heating), our customer Bromont, montagne d’expériences managed to generate credits of over $800,000 over 4 years.


    Contact details for further information

    Visit Hydro-Québec’s page for more details on the Power Demand Management Option: Hydro-Québec – Option GDP.

    Hydro-Québec - Efficient Solutions Programs

    Program name

    Efficiency Solutions Program – Medium and Large Business Component

    The program in brief

    This program is designed to encourage medium-sized and large companies to carry out energy efficiency projects. It provides financial support for measures that reduce electricity consumption, improve the energy performance of buildings, equipment or processes, while reducing GHG emissions.

    Applicable sectors

    Commercial, institutional and industrial sectors, including buildings supplied by Hydro-Québec or eligible off-grid systems.

    Eligibility criteria

    Simplified offer :

    To be eligible for theSimplified Offer, the project must meet each of the following requirements:

      • Building: The project must be carried out in one or more buildings.
      • Predefined measures: It must target energy efficiency measures predefined in the OSE online tool, under the Online Help tab.
      • Financial support: The project must generate financial support of at least $2,500.
      • Equipment: Equipment must be new, incur purchase and installation costs, and be certified or approved by independent bodies recognized by Hydro-Québec.

    However, a project is not eligible if it :

      • Is required to comply with Quebec or Canadian laws, regulations or standards;
      • Has a negative impact on health, safety or the environment;
      • Contravenes a law or regulation.

    Tailor-made offer :

    To be eligible for theCustomized Offer, the project must meet each of the following requirements:

      • Building: The project must be carried out in one or more buildings.
      • Approval: The project must be approved by Hydro-Québec.
      • Electricity savings: The project must generate annual electricity savings of at least 25,000 kWh.
      • Equipment: Equipment must be new and certified, and generate higher energy efficiency than existing equipment or standard equipment on the market.
      • PRI (Period of return on investment): The payback period in terms of electricity savings must be one year or more (including with financial support from Hydro-Québec).

    A project is not eligible for the Medium and Large Business component if it :

      • Target for standard technologies in the case of a new building or load addition ;
      • Is required to comply with Quebec or Canadian laws, regulations or standards;
      • Energy efficiency below industry standards;
      • For electricity generation (unless approved by Hydro-Québec) ;
      • Has a negative impact on health, safety or the environment;
      • Contravenes a law or regulation.

    How infrared meets the criteria

    Infrared radiant heating systems help reduce energy consumption in buildings with high ceilings and draughty areas. By targeting heating directly at surfaces and people, infrared eliminates the need to heat all the ambient air, contributing to significant electricity savings.

    Potential gains/subsidies

    Simplified offer :

    Calculated using the OSE tool

    Tailor-made offer :

    Financial support can cover up to 30¢ per kWh saved, or 45¢/kWh in some cases. A project can obtain funding of up to 75% of total eligible costs for existing buildings, and up to 15% for new buildings or efficient electrification projects. The maximum grant per project is $3 million.

    Application steps

    1. Preliminary validation with Hydro-Québec.
    2. Submission of project proposal with technical details and costs.
    3. Confirmation of eligibility and submission of electricity savings calculations.
    4. Carrying out work and monitoring electricity consumption.
    5. Submission of final documents and receipt of financial support.

    Program deadline

    There is no strict deadline mentioned in the documents, but projects must be submitted according to the rules in force on the date work begins. We recommend that you keep abreast of program updates.

    Case studies/Examples

    Grocery stores and food markets are good candidates for subsidizing efficient solutions with infrared heating systems that target areas with heating needs and offer improved energy efficiency. When we work with grocery stores, we analyze the areas to be covered to limit the energy lost through unnecessary heating of dead spots.

    Contact details for further information

    Contact Hydro-Québec customer service at 1 800 463-9900 or visit the official Efficiency Solutions Program website.

    Hydro-Québec - Bi-Énergie

    Program name

    Bi-energy offer – Bi-energy tariff for space heating

    The program in brief

    The dual-energy rate (Rate DT) allows businesses using a dual-energy heating system (electricity and another energy source such as oil or natural gas) to benefit from reduced electricity rates in winter, as long as they use electricity. However, during Hydro-Québec peak periods, the company must switch to another energy source to avoid rate penalties.

    Applicable sectors

    Applicable to commercial, institutional and industrial businesses in Quebec that use a dual-energy heating system.

    Eligibility criteria

      • Have a dual-energy heating system (electricity and another energy source such as oil or natural gas) or be ready to install one.
      • Be able to switch to an energy source other than electricity during peak periods.
      • Effective interruptible power must be at least 10 kW.
      • Eligible if the company is prepared to switch to another energy source during at least four peak events per winter period.

    How infrared meets the criteria

    Electric infrared can be integrated into a dual-energy system for heating during periods when electricity is preferred. Here’s a concrete example from one of Technirep’s customers: a company wants to reduce its heating costs and increase its energy efficiency. It currently has a gas-fired unit heater that is not very efficient. They contacted us to replace their unit heater with an electric radiant system, which offers savings of 30-50% on heating costs.

    Instead of getting rid of the unit heater, the customer is going to keep it. The customer will keep it and only use it during peak periods, thus creating a dual-energy system.

    Potential gains/subsidies

    Businesses can benefit from reduced electricity rates in winter (provided they switch to another energy source during peak periods). If no peak events are reported during the season, a credit may be granted.

    Here’s a comparison:

      • Regular rate (Rate G): Remains constant throughout the year, with a fixed rate based on consumption (6.51¢ to 9.63¢ per kWh).
      • Dual-energy rate (Rate DT): Very advantageous during off-peak periods at 5.67¢/kWh, but can become extremely costly (51.62¢/kWh) if the company does not use another energy source during peak periods (maximum 4 events per year).

    Application steps

    1. Evaluate the current heating system and check its suitability for dual energy.
    2. Contact Hydro-Québec to sign up for the dual-energy rate.
    3. Install a dual-energy heating system if necessary.
    4. Follow Hydro-Québec’s instructions on peak load events to switch to the other energy source during critical periods.

    Program deadline

    Continuous program. Registration can be made at any time, but it is advisable to register before the winter period.

    Case studies/Examples

    A car dealership we worked with optimized its heating system with dual-energy. Our electric radiant system is used for most of the heating, reducing energy costs. If necessary, the dealership can switch back to its old, albeit less efficient, gas-fired radiant system, thus benefiting from the advantages of both energy sources while complying with energy performance criteria.

    Contact details for further information

    For more details, visit the Hydro-Québec – Bi-energy Tariff page or contact their business customer service department directly.

    Transition Énergétique Québec - EcoPerformance

    Nom du programme

    ÉcoPerformance – Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.

    Le programme en bref

    Ce programme vise à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) dans les secteurs commercial, industriel, institutionnel, et municipal par des projets d’efficacité énergétique et de conversion énergétique. Il finance des mesures qui réduisent les émissions de GES et la consommation d’énergie fossile des entreprises et autres institutions.

    Les secteurs applicables

    Tous les secteurs d’activité sont admissibles, y compris les secteurs commerciaux, institutionnels, municipaux, industriels, agricoles et manufacturiers. Cela comprend les secteurs primaires et secondaires.

    Les critères d’admissibilité

      • Pour être admissible, un projet doit :
        • Réduire les émissions de GES et/ou améliorer l’efficacité énergétique.
        • Utiliser des technologies ou des processus non courants ou des procédés qui ne sont pas obligatoires en vertu des normes ou lois existantes.
        • Respecter les critères d’efficacité et d’additionnalité établis.
        • Inclure des mesures quantifiables et mesurables selon la norme ISO 14064.
        • Réaliser le projet dans un délai maximal de 24 mois après l’approbation.
      • Les participants admissibles doivent être immatriculés au Registraire des entreprises du Québec, à l’exception des projets pour lesquels cette condition ne s’applique pas.

    Comment l’infrarouge répond aux critères

    Le chauffage radiant électrique est une mesure efficace pour réduire les émissions de GES dans les bâtiments commerciaux et industriels. Contrairement aux systèmes utilisant des combustibles fossiles, le chauffage infrarouge convertit directement l’énergie électrique en chaleur, réduisant ainsi la consommation de combustibles et donc les émissions de GES.

    Les gains/subventions potentiels

    Le programme peut financer jusqu’à 75 % des dépenses admissibles, selon le projet. Les projets d’analyse ou d’implantation peuvent obtenir des aides financières substantielles, en particulier si l’équipement utilisé est neuf et contribue à une réduction mesurable des émissions de GES.

    Les étapes pour l’application

    1. Soumettre un formulaire de demande d’aide financière dûment complété avec la description du projet.
    2. Obtenir l’approbation du ministère pour la réalisation du projet.
    3. Mettre en œuvre les mesures approuvées dans les délais impartis.
    4. Soumettre des rapports détaillés sur les résultats obtenus (émissions de GES réduites, économies d’énergie).

    Date limite du programme

    Le programme est en vigueur jusqu’au 31 mars 2026 ou jusqu’à l’épuisement des fonds disponibles.

    Études de cas/Exemples

    Il est parfois possible de cumuler plusieurs subventions ou de participer à plusieurs programmes pour un même projet. Prenons l’exemple du concessionnaire automobile : en réduisant considérablement sa consommation de gaz et son émission de GES grâce à l’installation de notre système de chauffage radiant électrique, il a pu obtenir une subvention supplémentaire. Ce genre de démarche permet d’optimiser les économies d’énergie et de maximiser les appuis financiers disponibles.

    Coordonnées pour plus d’information

    Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

    Téléphone : 1 833 361-0001

    Courriel : transitionenergetique.affaires@mern.gouv.qc.ca

    Site Web : transitionenergetique.gouv.qc.ca

    Nous essayons de mettre à jour cette page aussi régulièrement que possible.


    Vous avez un système de chauffage au mazout et souhaitez le remplacer pour réduire vos coûts de chauffage et vos émissions de GES ?

    Remplacez votre chauffage au mazout dès aujourd’hui

    We try to update this page as regularly as possible. For more details or to discuss your project with one of our experts, simply contact us at info@technirep.ca or start your project here.


    Nous espérons que cet article vous a été utile pour décider quel appareil de chauffage conviendrait le mieux à votre projet. Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour décider ou si vous avez des questions sur votre projet particulier, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel à info@technirep.ca

    Vous êtes un entrepreneur en construction ou un électricien et vous recherchez un partenaire pour vous assistez dans tous vos projets. Technirep travaille directement avec vous pour créer les plus beaux projets.

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