A model of energy efficiency in Canada
Expected for nearly 20 years in the region, the stadium will be a functional sports hub during the summer and even winter. Equipped with an outdoor soccer field and a bicycle path, the complex integrates mainly wood and aluminum in its structure.
We are proud to have participated in the creation of the “most modern and complete soccer stadium in Quebec”.
This building is “a model of energy efficiency in Canada” and is heated by Technirep!
For a sports stadium project like the Saguenay soccer stadium, an additional element to consider is light emission. We made sure to opt for a device with a Fostoria infrared emitter panel that doesn’t emit light so as not to dazzle players. Each unit offers 9,500 watts and is powered from 600V. The devices are installed evenly on either side of the building to provide uniform ray coverage and even heat distribution.
Since sports stadiums generally have high ceilings, they benefit frominfrared, since infrared heating directly heats the first surface the beam reaches – in this case, the floor. On the other hand, forced-air heating is less efficient, since the hot air rises and a lot of energy is wasted heating the air close to the ceiling when no one is benefiting from it.
For a space of this size, we prepare a custom control panel that allows the intensity of the fixtures to be modulated by zone. It is then possible to heat just one part of the property, if only that part is used, for considerable energy savings.
Pour une consultation avec notre équipe d’experts cliquez ici.
Crédit photo : Honco bâtiments