
What is the preferred heating source for municipalities?

What is the preferred heating source for municipalities?

At Technirep, we are certainly biased towards infrared heating, and the fact remains that this type of heating is extremely practical for municipalities to heat municipal assets.

District heating for a municipal garage

Heating of municipal garages

This type of heating significantly reduces heating costs while improving worker comfort, providing an optimized working environment for municipal garages.

District heating for a municipal sports center

Sports center heating

Ideal solution for sports centers with multi-use rooms, providing efficient zone heating that can be adapted to specific needs.

Sports center heating

Ideal solution for sports centers with multi-use rooms, providing efficient zone heating that can be adapted to specific needs.

District heating for a municipal sports center
District heating for a municipal warehouse

Warehouse heating

Offers a flexible, economical heating solution, perfect for precise zones or spot heating in large warehouse spaces thanks to instant heat sensation.
Municipal de-icing solution using heating

De-icing solution

Infrared meets the safety challenge of icy areas, thanks to its spontaneous de-icing power, reducing the risks associated with ice.

De-icing solution

Infrared meets the safety challenge of icy areas, thanks to its spontaneous de-icing power, reducing the risks associated with ice.

Municipal de-icing solution using heating

The advantages of this type of heating for municipalities

Energy efficiency

<p>Electric infrared heating directly heats the masses, not the air, providing constant, efficient heat, similar to the sun, with no heat loss when doors are opened.</p>

Heating without noise or wind

<p>Electric infrared heating is silent and windless, providing a peaceful, clean environment.</p>

A heating solution for indoors and outdoors

<p>This type of heater is ideal for municipalities that often need to use it indoors and outdoors, such as in garages, verandas or terraces, without the need for ventilation.</p>

Greenhouse gas-free heating

<p>Electric infrared heating offers up to 96% radiant efficiency, using green energy and reducing environmental impact, unlike less efficient gas heaters that emit gases harmful to the environment. In fact, the <a href=""https://technirep.ca/decarbonation-reglement-municipal-chauffage/"">city of Prévost recently introduced a bylaw on decarbonation</a>.</p>

The most energy-efficient heating system

According to Hydro Québec, infrared heating has:

  • the best radiation efficiency: the ratio of heat produced to power power consumption ;
  • the best directivity efficiency: the ratio of the heat received by the object or person to the heat emitted;
  • better control efficiency, which is linked to the energy losses generated by stop-start operations.

In conclusion, the best district heating solution for municipalities is infrared heating, and here are some of the customers who have put their trust in us with a turnkey project.

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1. Qu’est-ce que le mazout ? Le mazout, également appelé fioul domestique, est un combustible fossile dérivé du pétrole brut. Sa production implique la distillation du pétrole dans des raffineries, où il est séparé en fonction de sa densité et de son point...

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