
Why buy your Infratech patio heaters from Technirep?


Technirep has been the infrared heating specialist since 1997. Over the years, we have continued to improve our offer to provide the best heating solution at the best price.

Why aren’t Infratech devices available online?

Even with the growth of online sales sites, Technirep has decided not to sell Infratech patio heaters online, in order to continue to offer the best heating solution for every project and provide unrivalled satisfaction.

Consider the vast selection of patio heaters, controls and product combinations. Our customers value our expertise in designing the most appropriate solution, free of charge, for each individual’s needs, depending on the information they require.

How can I get the best price for Infratech patio heaters?

To obtain the best heating solution and the best price for Infratech appliances, please contact our team for a prompt proposal tailored to your needs.

All Infratech products are available from Technirep

Where can I buy Infratech patio heaters?

Infratech products (patio heaters, controls, accessories and replacement parts) are available from all electrical retailers and from your electrician.


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