
Proco bâtiment de St-Nazaire


82 000$


  • Electric radiant heater with emitter panel
  • Radiant efficiency: 80%.
  • Energy efficiency: 100%.


    • Very high ceilings
    • High air flow
    • Poorly insulated building


      • Increase the comfort level of those present
      • The sensation of warmth is not affected by air currents. Heat is transferred directly to employees, floors and objects.

      Radiant heating system improves working conditions


      The Proco building in St-Nazaire, specializing in aluminum assembly, was facing considerable energy challenges. The need to maintain comfortable working conditions while controlling heating-related energy costs was paramount. The building was particularly energy-intensive due to its size.

      The challenge

      • Large industrial building: Requiring a heating system that covers a large area while remaining efficient and economical.
      • Strong draughts from garage doors

      The solution

      Technirep supplied a panel-type electric radiant heating system to provide the desired comfort while maintaining a very high level of energy efficiency for the building.


      • Instant heat : The system requires no preheating and is only switched on when needed.
      • Improved comfort: Infrared heaters provide constant, immediate warmth, greatly enhancing comfort.
      • Reduced maintenance: The new system requires much less maintenance than the old one, reducing operating costs.


      The radiant heating project for the Proco building in St-Nazaire is an example of how Technirep can meet the energy challenges of large industrial facilities. Thanks to a tailor-made radiant heating solution, Proco was able to improve its energy efficiency and reduce operating costs, while providing a comfortable working environment for its employees.


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