
Quebec Ministry of Transportation (MTQ)

Large space, large garage doors and efficient heating

The Camp 90 garage at kilometer 180 is a fine example of a typical installation where infrared heating really shines. Indeed, it is a very large building with large garage doors. This makes it difficult to keep the air warm. However, it is easy to maintain the feeling of warmth for the mechanics who work there thanks to our radiant heaters. The comfort of the users is increased and the drying time of the vehicles is significantly reduced when compared to a system with air heaters.

Comment le chauffage radiant électrique permet-il de conserver la chaleur dans un espace avec des portes de garage?

Un appareil de chauffage radiant électrique comme ceux de la série MTM de Fostoria offre une efficacité radiante de 96%. Une efficacité radiante de 96% se traduit par 96% de l’énergie qui est distribuée sous forme de rayonnement qui chauffe directement le sol, les objets et les personnes qui sont présents sous les rayons. Alors que seulement 4% chauffent l’air.

Comme la chaleur du soleil, cela a deux avantages

  1. La chaleur est ressentie même avec des courants d’air puisque les rayons infrarouges ne sont pas affectés par l’air.
  2. La chaleur est également emmagasinée dans le sol et les objets. Celle-ci est conservée même avec les courants d’air et est redistribuée tranquillement dans l’air.

The efficiency of radiant heating in spaces with high ceilings

What really sets radiant heating apart from other types is its effectiveness in spaces with high ceilings.

With infrared, the infrared rays heat the floor directly if the devices are positioned towards it. So it’s the floor that’s at the desired temperature for best comfort and efficiency. Conversely, a heater that heats the air is less efficient, since the hot air rises. It’s the air close to the ceiling that’s warmest with a heater like a unit heater, which is much less efficient since the air on the ceiling has to be a few degrees warmer to get the desired temperature close to the floor.

The instant-warmth advantage of electric radiant heating

Another element that separates radiant heating from other types is the speed with which it is felt.

In a large space like the garage shown here, it usually takes a few hours to warm up from 0 degrees to 20 degrees. In comparison, a person under an infrared heater will feel the heat from the device in less than 2 seconds.

This difference saves energy costs, as it is now possible to turn off the heating completely during the night or other unused periods, and only open it when employees are working, for immediate comfort.

Greater comfort for employees

In addition to the above advantages, we mustn’t overlook the superior comfort for employees of a space heated with electric radiant heating. Since the feeling of warmth is maintained while the garage doors are open, the garage remains much more comfortable for working employees.


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